
Key insights and news from The Axle Group.

Computer screen with infographics on it.


How Data-Driven Decisions Transform Outcomes

In today’s fast-paced, digital environment, data is a key component of success. Many organizations have come to rely on data to communicate who their customers are, how they make decisions, and what the company can do to better serve growing needs in their applicable industries.

Four workers around a notebook discussing a topic while one writes in the notebook.


A Customer-Centric Sales Enablement Agency

Sales is the life blood of any company. We've heard that since we started working in the business world, let alone owning a business. What does it take to get it right? To shorten the life-cycle of  a sale? To build a relationship and keep our sales pipeline active? To have life-long customers? It wasn't until later in my career that I realized, I found the answer.

Orange number three


3 Keys to Understanding Customer Needs

The best way to understanding customer needs better is to take time to consider what their lives have looked like before we enter the picture. Too often we start by thinking about what problem we can solve for prospects and ultimately what we're going to sell. That's why we're in business to sell a product or service, right?



Switch from Google Analytics Universal to GA4 Now

GA4 (Google Analytics 4) will replace Google Universal Analytics on July 1, 2023. If you have not already made the switch and have been wondering about the best time, we recommend you do it now to start learning its increased capabilities – and what features no longer will be available.