Switch from Google Analytics Universal to GA4
Switch to Google Analytics 4 (GA4) now to beat the July 1, 2023 termination date for Universal Analytics – and for great new business data.
GA4 (Google Analytics 4) will replace Google Universal Analytics on July 1, 2023. If you have not already made the switch and have been wondering about the best time, we recommend you do it now to start learning its increased capabilities – and what features no longer will be available.
Why Switch to GA4?
GA4 is the latest update to Google Analytics. The platform now supports app and web visits in a single property. This means you can now track both app and web traffic in a single property, instead of having those visits separated into different properties.
And, there is this: GA Universal will stop processing data on June 30, 2023, and you will only be able to see reports for an undetermined period of time after that. Bottom line: GA4 will be the only option.

Important Google Analytics 4 Improvements
Here are some important highlights:
- Uses events (single actions) instead of session-based (groups of actions) data – events track activities such as page views, button clicks, and user actions to show more precisely what’s happening on your site.
- Includes privacy controls such as measurement without cookies.
- Uses machine learning for predictive capabilities that provide guidance without the need for complex models.
- Direct integrations to other commercial media platforms help drive actions on your website or app.
- Collects both website and app data to better understand how visitors interact with the site.
Allow Time for Adjustments
While GA 4 adds some new engagement metrics, it also discontinues others (at least for now), including average session duration, pages per session, and bounce rate. These are metrics we all know, so we also must know what replaces them – another reason to make the switch to GA4 now.
See this article for a detailed comparison of Google Analytics4 vs. Universal Analytics.
The Path to GA4
If you are installing Google Analytics for the first time, by all means, go straight to GA4, not Universal Analytics. If you wish to add it to an existing site using Google Universal Analytics so you can make a more gradual transition, Google offers some helpful direction.
If you wish to add GA4 to a CMS-hosted website (Magento, Shopify, Wix, WordPress.com, and others) this information from Google is essential reading.
Finally, if you want professional help to install GA4 and learn how to get the most from the new insights it offers, The Axle Group can help. Contact us.